Statement of Faith

Every statement made on this website is an expression of faith. Provided below is a brief expression of the major beliefs of, our Statement of Faith:

We believe the Bible alone (the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments) is the Word of God. It is "God-breathed" and therefore verbally inspired and completely without error (historically, scientifically, morally, and spiritually) and is the final authority on all issues pertaining to life and faith.

We believe in one infinitely perfect, holy, eternal and unchanging God, who is the Creator and sovereign Sustainer of the universe. This one God is Triune, existing eternally and simultaneously as three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All three persons in the Godhead share equally and completely the one divine nature, and are therefore the same God, coequal in power and glory.

Person of Christ
We believe that Lord Jesus Christ is both true God (the second Person of the Trinity) and true man (the Incarnate Son of God). We also believe in the great events surrounding His life and ministry, including: His eternal preexistence, His virgin birth, His attesting miracles, His sinless life, His sacrificial death on the cross, His glorious bodily resurrection from the dead, His ascension into heaven, and His return in power and glory.

Person of the Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity, coequal with the Father and the Son. We also believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit in salvation, a ministry which includes anointing and glorifying Christ, convicting men of their sin through the Word, bringing about regeneration of the lost so as to make them willing to believe (faith) and empowering them for godly living.

We believe God created man in His image as a rational and moral being, endued with knowledge, righteousness and holiness for His own Glory. Human beings are therefore the crown of God's creation (possessing inherent dignity and moral worth), and thus distinct in kind from all other life on earth. Adam and Eve, the first human beings, rebelled against God by disobeying His commandment. This rebellion was an attempt by man to be autonomous or independent from God. As a result of Adams sin, all of mankind fell from their original state, and the image of God in man is now distorted and this sinful nature is passed on to all their progeny. Because of original sin (which includes both corruption and guilt), unregenerate human beings are incapable of pleasing or commending themselves to God, and apart from the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit they are unable and unwilling to repent and believe.

We believe God has acted sovereignly to restore men who have been separated from Himself as a result of Adams original transgression. He sent His Son, born of a virgin, attested by miracles and by a sinless life, to bear the full penalty for sin. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ suffered and died a vicarious death, thus satisfying the Father's just wrath against sin. This atoning work was to purchase those who are in Christ Jesus before the foundation of the World. This is the gospel of reconciliation with God. We believe that the atoning death of Christ, both God's love and God's justice are fully manifested in Christ. We believe that the sins of man were imputed to Christ, and that Christs righteousness, by perfectly fulfilling the law of God, has been graciously imputed to all believers. Therefore, redemption (faith and repentance) is solely a work of God's grace, received exclusively through faith (which is a gift from God) in Jesus Christ, and never by any works or human merit.

We believe justification is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. Justification is a judicial act of God's grace wherein He declares, (not infuses) a person righteous in His sight because of the imputed righteousness of Christ. The individual who is thus legally restored has a right standing with God and all his sin has been forgiven.

The Church
We believe the Church is the spiritual body of Jesus Christ (its Founder, Head, and Shepherd) and that it encompasses all true believers, past and present, both Old and New Testament saints (commonly referred to as the universal or invisible church.) The function of the visible church is to carry out the Lord's will (found in the Bible alone) through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Church has three distinguishing marks that are central to this purpose; (1) The faithful preaching of the Word (this includes discipling the nations also known as the Cultural Mandate), (2) The administration of the sacraments (Baptism and the Lords Supper), and (3) Church discipline. The preaching of the grace of God includes both the preaching of the law (which reveals sin) and the preaching of the Gospel (which provides the remedy for sin.) Those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation belong to the Church and are, thus, true Israel (i.e. the people of God.) This community of believers is made up of people who are neither perfect nor sinless, but by the work of the Holy Spirit, their lives are conformed more and more to the image of Christ.

The Kingdom & Power
We believe the Lord Jesus Christ has returned to this earth in like manner to His going away at the Ascension. At this time, His Kingdom is being manifested on earth and will never end, ruling over all things to the benefit of those who love God. As the sovereign Lord, Jesus resurrects and judges all humanity, each person at his appointed time following his death. Those who have received Christ by faith will go to eternal blessings; and those who have not, to eternal condemnation. The miraculous powers exhibited in the New Testament rightly pertain to the age in which we now live.

Creeds and Confessions
The Heavenly Jerusalem is not restricted to one Christian denomination and has individuals from different denominational backgrounds. stands on the above statement and draw respectfully from the early historic creeds and church councils, and all Christian confessions of faith.

We believe...

  • the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, and the only authoritative Word of God.
  • there is one God, eternally existent in three persons, namely: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • in the deity and virgin birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death upon the cross, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
  • in the total depravity and lost condition of man by nature, and in his need of the new birth by the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit.
  • in justification by faith apart from the works of the law.
  • in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling presence, the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
  • in the resurrection of the saved and the lost, the saved unto the resurrection of life, and the lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
  • in the spiritual unity of all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.