David Roberts painting of the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70.
"He takes away the First that He may establish the Second." ~Hebrews 10:9 NKJV
"But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem" ~Hebrews 12:21-22 NKJV
- 30-70AD The Last Days Tribulation
- 30-70AD The Tribulation according to Jesus
- 30-70AD Matthew 23:13-39 The Seven Woes
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:3 "End Time" or "End of Age?"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:5 "Many shall come in My name, saying, 'I am Christ'"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:6 "Wars and rumors of wars"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:7 "Famines"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:7 "Pestilences"
- 30-70AD: Matthew 24:7 "Earthquakes"
- 30-70AD Catalogue of World Disasters
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:9 "Persecutions"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:14 "This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:15-16 The Abomination of Desolation
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:27 "As the lightning ... so shall also the coming of the Son of man be"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:37-39 "As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be"
- 30-70AD Apostles expected the Kingdom in their lifetime
- 30-70AD SATAN walked about freely as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour
- The Apostles Predicted a First-Century Return of Christ
- 30-70AD "The Last Hour"
- 63BC-70AD The 11 horns of Daniel's 4th Beast
- 63-49BC Pompey the Great: 1ST ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- 49-44BC Julius Caesar: 2ND ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- Mark Antony never "KING" (supreme leader) of the Romans
- 27BC-14AD Augustus: 3RD ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- 14-37AD Tiberius: 4TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- 37-41AD Caligula: 5TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- 41-54AD Claudius: 6TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- 54-68AD Nero: 7TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- 68-69AD Galba: 8TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem but never possessed her himself, Jerusalem enjoying freedom through revolt
- 69AD Otho: 9TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem but never possessed her himself, Jerusalem enjoying freedom through revolt
- 69AD Vitellius: 10TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem but never possessed her himself, Jerusalem enjoying freedom through revolt
- 69-79AD Vespasion: 11TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- 69-79AD Vespasian: Roman Emperor of Toilets, and Humour
- 79-81AD Titus: when "king" Jerusalem no longer existed but was the military general who had destroyed it
- 81-96AD Domitian: when "king" Jerusalem no longer existed: "the 5 Good Emperors" come afterward
- Vespasian: False Christ (False Messiah)
- 69AD The Year of the Four Emperors
- 30-70AD What is the Narrative of Revelation?
- 30-70AD The Early Church and the End of the World
- 30-70AD History (external support)
- 30-70AD Recommended Books
- The Resurrection And Judgment Would Begin Right After The Tribulation
- 30-70AD The Tribulation according to Jesus