- 70-1070AD The Last Day-Millennium
- 30-1000AD: VIDEO: The First Thousand Years of Christianity
- 70-1070AD Thousand Years, Millennium, Day of the Lord
- 70-1070AD "The Day"
- 70-1070AD SATAN bound, cast & sealed into the Deep (Abyss, Bottomless Pit) for 1000 Years, Rev 20:1-3
- 70-1070AD "The Last Day": Christ Returns, His Servants Raised to Reign
- 70-1070AD Blessed & Holy Ones resurrected at start of Last Day, Rest of Dead resurrected at its end
- 70-1070AD "1000 Years", New Heavens, New Earth & New Jerusalem began at Old Jerusalem's end
- 70-1070AD Twenty-five Answers about "The Millennium" = "The 1,000 Years" = "The Day of the Lord"
- 70-1070AD Twenty-five Questions About The Millennium
- 70-1070AD Day of Judgment = 1 Day with Lord = 1000 Years = Day of the Lord = Day of God -- 2 Peter 3:2-14
- 70-1070AD Last Day-MILLENNIUM = Middle Age(s) = Sabbath Day of the Lord = the Last Day
- 70-1070AD J.S. Russell's Position on the Millennium, the Neglected Third Way of Preterism
- 70-1070AD Premillenial Preterism
- 70-1070AD 2 Peter 3: Understanding the Language of the Prophets
- 70-1070AD 2 Peter 3's "Day of the Lord" = "Thousand Years" of Revelation 20
- 70-1070AD The Day of the Lord in Zechariah 14
- 70-1070AD World History (external support)
- 70-1070AD "Woe to you Chorazin! Woe to you Bethsaida! Woe to you Capernaum!"
- 70-325AD ANTE-NICENE: the first 1/4 of the Last Day-Millennium
- 100AD The Extent of Christianity by 100AD
- 263-339AD Eusebius: The History of the Church from Christ to Constantine
- 272-337AD Roman Emperor Constantine: the first Christian world leader
- 300AD The Extent of Christianity by 300AD
- 313AD Edict of Milan (Edict of Toleration): Roman Empire signs peace deal with Christendom
- 313AD --> : The Peace of the Church
- Byzantium: the Lost Empire - 2 DVD set
- 325-590AD NICENE and POST-NICENE: 2nd 1/4th of the Last Day-Millennium
- 325-590AD Overview
- Anti-chiliasm's triumph over Chiliasm: the expectation, then realization of the 1000 Year Millennium during the Middle Age
- 325AD First Council of Nicaea
- 325AD The Nicene Creed in communion with the 70-1070AD Millennium
- 347-420AD Jerome: The Latin Vulgate, bringing the Bible to the language of the common people
- 354-430AD Augustine: "1000 Years" Millennium started in 1st Century: (either 1AD or 70AD)
- 373-493AD Saint Patrick
- 390AD "The Apostles' Creed" in communion with the 70-1070AD Millennium
- 390AD "The Apostles' Creed" ~Wikipedia
- 390AD "The Apostles' Creed"
- 390AD "I believe in the Communion of the Saints" ~Apostles' Creed
- 590-1073AD THE MISSIONARY PERIOD from Gregory I to Hildebrand (Gregory VII)
- 723AD Thor's Tree cut down and made into a chapel
- A Millennium of Peace in the Land of Israel - the meek inherited the Land
- Old | New
- Old Testament | New Testament
- First Covenant | New Covenant
- First Heaven | New Heaven
- First Earth | New Earth
- Jerusalem | New Jerusalem
- Creation | New Creation
- First Adam | Last Adam
- Old Man | New Man
- Life | Eternal Life
- Death | Second Death
- Israel | The Israel of God
- Natural | Spiritual
- Old Testament | Christian History
- Bondage | Law
- Exodus | Tribulation
- Possess Land | Millennium
- Cross the River Jordan | Death & Resurrection of the Blessed & Holy Ones
- Circumcision at Gilgal | Putting off Flesh & Blood
- Possess the Land & Kingdom | Reign with Christ 1000 years
- Joshua | The Lord from Heaven
- Captain of Lord's Armies arrives | Return of the Lord
- Jericho | Jerusalem
- The Land of Canaan | The World
- Israel | Israel of God (Christendom)
- Holy People Under Siege | Resurrection of the Rest of the Dead
- Antiochus IV | Gog
- Subjugation of Saints | Supremacy of Saints
- Table of Contents
- 30AD Death & Resurrection of Christ
- 30AD & ONGOING The New Covenant
- 30-70AD Tribulation
- 30-70AD The Tribulation according to Jesus
- 30-70AD Matthew 23:13-39 The Seven Woes
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:3 "End Time" or "End of Age?"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:5 "Many shall come in My name, saying, 'I am Christ'"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:6 "Wars and rumors of wars"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:7 "Famines"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:7 "Pestilences"
- 30-70AD: Matthew 24:7 "Earthquakes"
- 30-70AD Catalogue of World Disasters
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:9 "Persecutions"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:14 "This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:15-16 The Abomination of Desolation
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:27 "As the lightning ... so shall also the coming of the Son of man be"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:37-39 "As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be"
- 30-70AD Apostles expected the Kingdom in their lifetime
- 30-70AD SATAN walked about freely as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour
- 30-70AD "The Last Hour"
- 63BC-70AD The 11 horns of Daniel's 4th Beast
- 63-49BC Pompey the Great: 1ST ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- 49-44BC Julius Caesar: 2ND ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- Mark Antony never "KING" (supreme leader) of the Romans
- 27BC-14AD Augustus: 3RD ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- 14-37AD Tiberius: 4TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- 37-41AD Caligula: 5TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- 41-54AD Claudius: 6TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- 54-68AD Nero: 7TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- 68-69AD Galba: 8TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem but never possessed her himself, Jerusalem enjoying freedom through revolt
- 69AD Otho: 9TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem but never possessed her himself, Jerusalem enjoying freedom through revolt
- 69AD Vitellius: 10TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem but never possessed her himself, Jerusalem enjoying freedom through revolt
- 69-79AD Vespasion: 11TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem: quashed revolt by destroying Jerusalem, Israel and Jews: little horn that uproots the previous 3: revived/preserved the Roman Empire from self-destruction
- 69-79AD Vespasian: Roman Emperor of Toilets, and Humour
- 79-81AD Titus: when "king" Jerusalem no longer existed but was the military general who had destroyed it
- 81-96AD Domitian: when "king" Jerusalem no longer existed: "the 5 Good Emperors" come afterward
- Vespasian: False Christ (False Messiah)
- 69AD The Year of the Four Emperors
- 30-70AD What is the Narrative of Revelation?
- 30-70AD The Early Church and the End of the World
- 30-70AD History (external support)
- 30-70AD Recommended Books
- The Resurrection And Judgment Would Begin Right After The Tribulation
- 30-70AD The Tribulation according to Jesus
- 70AD Return of Christ
- 70AD Jerusalem the great is fallen, is fallen!
- 70AD Fall of Jericho | Fall of Jerusalem
- 70AD Last Trumpet
- 70AD The 1st Harvest: 2 SICKLES, 2 Gatherings: 1 for Righteous and 1 for Unrighteous
- 70AD The Expectation and Logic of a 'Literal Catching Up' at AD 70
- 70AD Rapture-Return accompanies the arrival of Christ with the New Jerusalem
- 70AD FIRST RESURRECTION: Begin when? 2 Tim 2:17-18 and Rev 20:4-6
- 70AD The Last Day and Christ arrived and His servants Resurrected to reign from the unseen realm
- 70AD Recommended Books
- 70AD questions & answers
- 70AD & ONGOING Resurrection of the Blessed, Holy Ones
- 70-1070 The start of the Resurrection of Life & the Resurrection of Damnation
- 70AD-ONGOING Under Christ's feet: Satan, Eph 6:12-principalities, and Death
- 70AD-ONGOING The Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead
- 70AD-ONGOING REIGNING was to begin AFTER the Lord's Return
- 70AD-ONGOING The Raising up of the Saints, the Dead in Christ
- 70AD-ONGOING The New Jerusalem on the New Earth under the New Heavens
- 70AD-ONGOING The Heavenly Jerusalem = The glorified Christian Community both Seen & Unseen
- 70AD-ONGOING Christendom = "The Stone that became a Great Mountain" (Daniel 2:31-45) = The Kingdom of the Heavens
- 70AD-ONGOING Return of Christ Brings the Kingdom of God WITH MIRACULOUS POWER, not without
- 70AD-ONGOING Inner-Man & Outer-Man: the 2 Parts of Resurrection
- 70AD-ONGOING Resurrection-transformation of the mortal-natural body at Judgment which follows death
- 70AD-ONGOING The Resurrection of the Just
- 70AD-ONGOING Many Christians Wrong About Heaven, Says N.T. Wright
- 70AD-ONGOING The Blessed Hope of Christ's Appearing continues
- 70AD-ONGOING "Baptists & Their Doctines: The River of Life"
- 70-1070AD Day of Judgment
- 30-1000AD: VIDEO: The First Thousand Years of Christianity
- 70-1070AD Thousand Years, Millennium, Day of the Lord
- 70-1070AD "The Day"
- 70-1070AD SATAN bound, cast & sealed into the Deep (Abyss, Bottomless Pit) for 1000 Years, Rev 20:1-3
- 70-1070AD "The Last Day": Christ Returns, His Servants Raised to Reign
- 70-1070AD Blessed & Holy Ones resurrected at start of Last Day, Rest of Dead resurrected at its end
- 70-1070AD "1000 Years", New Heavens, New Earth & New Jerusalem began at Old Jerusalem's end
- 70-1070AD Twenty-five Answers about "The Millennium" = "The 1,000 Years" = "The Day of the Lord"
- 70-1070AD Twenty-five Questions About The Millennium
- 70-1070AD Day of Judgment = 1 Day with Lord = 1000 Years = Day of the Lord = Day of God -- 2 Peter 3:2-14
- 70-1070AD Last Day-MILLENNIUM = Middle Age(s) = Sabbath Day of the Lord = the Last Day
- 70-1070AD J.S. Russell's Position on the Millennium, the Neglected Third Way of Preterism
- 70-1070AD Premillenial Preterism
- 70-1070AD 2 Peter 3: Understanding the Language of the Prophets
- 70-1070AD 2 Peter 3's "Day of the Lord" = "Thousand Years" of Revelation 20
- 70-1070AD The Day of the Lord in Zechariah 14
- 70-1070AD World History (external support)
- 70-1070AD "Woe to you Chorazin! Woe to you Bethsaida! Woe to you Capernaum!"
- 70-325AD ANTE-NICENE: the first 1/4 of the Last Day-Millennium
- 100AD The Extent of Christianity by 100AD
- 263-339AD Eusebius: The History of the Church from Christ to Constantine
- 272-337AD Roman Emperor Constantine: the first Christian world leader
- 300AD The Extent of Christianity by 300AD
- 313AD Edict of Milan (Edict of Toleration): Roman Empire signs peace deal with Christendom
- 313AD --> : The Peace of the Church
- Byzantium: the Lost Empire - 2 DVD set
- 325-590AD NICENE and POST-NICENE: 2nd 1/4th of the Last Day-Millennium
- 325-590AD Overview
- Anti-chiliasm's triumph over Chiliasm: the expectation, then realization of the 1000 Year Millennium during the Middle Age
- 325AD First Council of Nicaea
- 325AD The Nicene Creed in communion with the 70-1070AD Millennium
- 347-420AD Jerome: The Latin Vulgate, bringing the Bible to the language of the common people
- 354-430AD Augustine: "1000 Years" Millennium started in 1st Century: (either 1AD or 70AD)
- 373-493AD Saint Patrick
- 390AD "The Apostles' Creed" in communion with the 70-1070AD Millennium
- 390AD "The Apostles' Creed" ~Wikipedia
- 390AD "The Apostles' Creed"
- 390AD "I believe in the Communion of the Saints" ~Apostles' Creed
- 590-1073AD THE MISSIONARY PERIOD from Gregory I to Hildebrand (Gregory VII)
- 723AD Thor's Tree cut down and made into a chapel
- A Millennium of Peace in the Land of Israel - the meek inherited the Land
- 1070AD & ONGOING Resurrection of the Rest of the Dead
- 1070AD Release of Satan
- 1070AD-FIRE Gog & Magog
- 1070AD-REFORMATION Q+A: Satan's Release after the Millennium
- 1070-REFORMATION History (external support)
- 1070AD-REFORMATION Christianity's greatest trial since the 30-70AD Tribulation
- 1049-1294AD Gregory VII to Boniface VIII: Papal Theocracy in Conflict with the Secular Power
- 1037-1194AD The Great Seljuk Empire: brought to the Muslims "fighting spirit and fanatical aggression"
- 1070AD Seljuk Turks take Jerusalem & threaten all Christendom
- 1071AD Battle of Manzikert - Seljuk Turks begin destruction of Byzantine (1st Christian) Empire
- 1073AD Hildebrand becomes Pope Gregory VII
- The Crusades - a synopsis
- 1096-1099AD The First Crusade
- 1145-1149AD The Second Crusade
- 1162-1227AD Ghengis Khan
- 1240AD ---> The Golden Horde: surrounded eastern Christendom with idolatry & Islam
- 1206-1405AD Mongol Empire
- 1206-1405AD Daily Life in the Mongol Empire
- 1254-1324AD Marco Polo incites greed throughout Christian Europe for the riches of the Mongol Empire
- 1300-1600's Renaissance, "the Rebirth"
- 1330AD ---> The Black Death Plague
- 1337-1453AD The Hundred Years' War
- 1453AD The Fall of Byzantium (the 1st Christian Empire)
- 1225-1274AD Thomas Aquinas
- 1320-1384AD John Wycliffe
- 1369-1415AD John Hus
- 1452-1498AD Girolamo Savonarola
- 1472-1553AD Lucas Cranach
- 1483-1586AD Martin Luther: taught a 70-1070AD Millennium and a 1073-1739AD Satan's Release
- Martin Luther claimed he was living during the period of Satan's Release AFTER the 1000 year Millennium of the Middle Age
- 1484-1531AD Huldrych Zwingli
- 1494-1536AD William Tyndale
- 1499-1552AD Katharina Luther and other women of the Reformation
- 1509-1564AD John Calvin
- 1602-1675AD John Lightfoot taught 70-1070AD Millennium & Satan's Release from 1073AD through Lightfoot's own times
- Rebels or Reformers?
- REFORMATION Divine Deliverance
- FIRE-ONGOING Satan in Lake of Fire
- 1451-1506AD Christopher Columbus: Discovery of the New World
- 1776AD Declaration of Independence: Government of the People, by the People, for the People
- 1969AD Men walk on the Moon and return alive: the heavens await our arrival & exploration
- 2007-10-05 Clear-Eyed Optimists: The world is getting better, though no one likes to hear it
- REFORMATION-ONGOING The Collapse of Stone Temple Religions
- Unintended Error vs. Intentional Deception
- ERROR: 1-1000AD MILLENNIUM medieval Millennialism, medieval Postmillennialism
- ERROR: 30AD-FUTURE MILLENNIUM modern Amillennialism
- ERROR: 30-70AD MILLENNIUM Hyper-Preterism, Full-Preterism, Covenant Eschatology
- ERROR I: "The 1000 years of Rev 20:1-7 starts before Christ's Return"
- ERROR II: "The 1000 years of Rev 20:1-7 is not an actual 1000 years"
- ERROR III: "The 1000 years of Rev 20:1-7 ends at Christ's Return"
- 30-70AD Millennialism: Foundation of Preterist Universalism
- Consistent Full Preterist conclusions lend themselves to Universalism
- The Nature of Resurrection
- First Fruits offered were not the first fruit produced
- Former Pret?
- Mythbusting "All Things Fulfilled by 70AD"
- 3 Questions for every 30-70AD Millennialist
- When exactly was Satan bound, cast & sealed into Bottomless Pit for even 40 years between Romans 16:20 and 70AD?
- Was All The Prophecy in the Bible Fulfilled by A.D.70?
- All Bible Things Were Not Fulfilled by A.D.70
- Questioning "Full" Preterism, Covenant Eschatology
- ERROR: 70AD-FUTURE MILLENNIUM Post-Millennialism, Partial-Preterism
- ERROR II: "The 1000 years of Rev 20:1-7 is not an actual 1000 years"
- ERROR III: "The 1000 years of Rev 20:1-7 ends at Christ's Return"
- ERROR IV: "Christ failed to return before His generation passed away"
- Postmillennialism refutes itself
- Keith A. Mathison
- The Pretzel Logic of "Orthodox" partial Preterism
- Matthew 24: Is Double Fulfillment Possible?
- ERROR: Bi-Millennialism
- ERROR: FUTURE-FUTURE MILLENNIUM Premillennial Dispensationalism, Chiliasm
- ERROR: MYSTIC MILLENNIUM Idealism, Preterist-Idealism
- ERROR I: "The 1000 years of Rev 20:1-7 starts before Christ's Return"
- Revelation 20 & Universalism
- Rev 20:4 "come to life" = "come to life" of Rev 20:5
- "Having Eternal Life" is not equal to "Being Raised Up at the Last Day"
- The Postribulational (i.e. post AD 70) Beginning of the Millennium
- First Resurrection CANNOT Be Those Raised During Crucifixion 30AD
- When exactly was Satan bound, cast & sealed into Bottomless Pit for 1000 years between 30-70AD?
- Satan was NOT bound around 30AD in the Gospels
- 30-70AD: What the New Testament says about Satan not being bound prior to AD 70
- ERROR II: "The 1000 years of Rev 20:1-7 is not an actual 1000 years"
- ERROR III: "The 1000 years of Rev 20:1-7 ends at Christ's Return"
- ERROR IV: "Christ failed to return before His generation passed away"
- ERROR: Hyper-Creedalism, Creedolatry & the legends of "Historic Christianity"
- Universalism confuses Common Grace with Special Grace
- Bondage | Law
- Exodus | Tribulation
- Crossing the Red Sea | Water Baptism
- Baptism into Moses | Baptism into Christ
- Sinai | Zion (Pentecost)
- Giving of the Law of Moses | Giving of the Spirit of Christ
- Law | Spirit
- Jerusalem from below | Jerusalem from above
- Law of Moses | Law of Christ
- Old Covenant | New Covenant
- Formation of the Pentateuch | Formation of the New Testament
- Promised Land | Millennium
- Assyrians | Gog & Magog
- Subjugation of Saints | Supremacy of Saints
- To be written ...
- To be written ...
- To be written ...
- Timeline Summary
- BEFORE EXODUS Bondage in Egypt
- BEFORE TRIBULATION Bondage under Law
- 420BC-27AD Intertestamental Period (about 450 years)
- 4BC-28AD John the Baptist
- 4BC-30AD Jesus the Christ
- 4BC "The virgin will be with child"
- 4BC "Rachel weeping for her children"
- 4BC "Out of Egypt I called My Son"
- 2BC "He shall be called a Nazarene"
- 28AD "The people living in darkness have seen a great light"
- 28AD "He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases"
- 28AD "A man's enemies will be the members of his own household"
- 28AD "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me"
- The Gospel of Augustus Caesar
- Table of Contents
- 70-1070AD Day of Judgment
- 30-1000AD: VIDEO: The First Thousand Years of Christianity