For more than 1,000 years, the Byzantine Empire was the eye of the entire world – the origin of great literature, fine art and modern government. Heir to Greece and Rome, the Byzantine Empire was also the first Christian empire. Now, after a year of filming on three continents, TLC unlocks this ancient civilization, spanning 11 centuries and three continents. Pass through the gates of Constantinople, explore the magnificent mosque of Hagia Sophia and see the looted treasures of the empire now located in St. Marks, Venice.
- Old | New
- Old Testament | New Testament
- First Covenant | New Covenant
- First Heaven | New Heaven
- First Earth | New Earth
- Jerusalem | New Jerusalem
- Creation | New Creation
- First Adam | Last Adam
- Old Man | New Man
- Life | Eternal Life
- Death | Second Death
- Israel | The Israel of God
- Natural | Spiritual
- Old Testament | Christian History
- Bondage | Law
- Exodus | Tribulation
- Possess Land | Millennium
- Cross the River Jordan | Death & Resurrection of the Blessed & Holy Ones
- Circumcision at Gilgal | Putting off Flesh & Blood
- Possess the Land & Kingdom | Reign with Christ 1000 years
- Joshua | The Lord from Heaven
- Captain of Lord's Armies arrives | Return of the Lord
- Jericho | Jerusalem
- The Land of Canaan | The World
- Israel | Israel of God (Christendom)
- Holy People Under Siege | Resurrection of the Rest of the Dead
- Antiochus IV | Gog
- Subjugation of Saints | Supremacy of Saints
- Table of Contents
- 30AD Death & Resurrection of Christ
- 30AD & ONGOING The New Covenant
- 30-70AD Tribulation
- 30-70AD The Tribulation according to Jesus
- 30-70AD Matthew 23:13-39 The Seven Woes
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:3 "End Time" or "End of Age?"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:5 "Many shall come in My name, saying, 'I am Christ'"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:6 "Wars and rumors of wars"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:7 "Famines"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:7 "Pestilences"
- 30-70AD: Matthew 24:7 "Earthquakes"
- 30-70AD Catalogue of World Disasters
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:9 "Persecutions"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:14 "This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:15-16 The Abomination of Desolation
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:27 "As the lightning ... so shall also the coming of the Son of man be"
- 30-70AD Matthew 24:37-39 "As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be"
- 30-70AD Apostles expected the Kingdom in their lifetime
- 30-70AD SATAN walked about freely as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour
- 30-70AD "The Last Hour"
- 63BC-70AD The 11 horns of Daniel's 4th Beast
- 63-49BC Pompey the Great: 1ST ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- 49-44BC Julius Caesar: 2ND ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- Mark Antony never "KING" (supreme leader) of the Romans
- 27BC-14AD Augustus: 3RD ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- 14-37AD Tiberius: 4TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- 37-41AD Caligula: 5TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- 41-54AD Claudius: 6TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- 54-68AD Nero: 7TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem
- 68-69AD Galba: 8TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem but never possessed her himself, Jerusalem enjoying freedom through revolt
- 69AD Otho: 9TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem but never possessed her himself, Jerusalem enjoying freedom through revolt
- 69AD Vitellius: 10TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem but never possessed her himself, Jerusalem enjoying freedom through revolt
- 69-79AD Vespasion: 11TH ROMAN "KING" since Rome possessed Jerusalem: quashed revolt by destroying Jerusalem, Israel and Jews: little horn that uproots the previous 3: revived/preserved the Roman Empire from self-destruction
- 69-79AD Vespasian: Roman Emperor of Toilets, and Humour
- 79-81AD Titus: when "king" Jerusalem no longer existed but was the military general who had destroyed it
- 81-96AD Domitian: when "king" Jerusalem no longer existed: "the 5 Good Emperors" come afterward
- Vespasian: False Christ (False Messiah)
- 69AD The Year of the Four Emperors
- 30-70AD What is the Narrative of Revelation?
- 30-70AD The Early Church and the End of the World
- 30-70AD History (external support)
- 30-70AD Recommended Books
- The Resurrection And Judgment Would Begin Right After The Tribulation
- 30-70AD The Tribulation according to Jesus
- 70AD Return of Christ
- 70AD Jerusalem the great is fallen, is fallen!
- 70AD Fall of Jericho | Fall of Jerusalem
- 70AD Last Trumpet
- 70AD The 1st Harvest: 2 SICKLES, 2 Gatherings: 1 for Righteous and 1 for Unrighteous
- 70AD The Expectation and Logic of a 'Literal Catching Up' at AD 70
- 70AD Rapture-Return accompanies the arrival of Christ with the New Jerusalem
- 70AD FIRST RESURRECTION: Begin when? 2 Tim 2:17-18 and Rev 20:4-6
- 70AD The Last Day and Christ arrived and His servants Resurrected to reign from the unseen realm
- 70AD Recommended Books
- 70AD questions & answers
- 70AD & ONGOING Resurrection of the Blessed, Holy Ones
- 70-1070 The start of the Resurrection of Life & the Resurrection of Damnation
- 70AD-ONGOING Under Christ's feet: Satan, Eph 6:12-principalities, and Death
- 70AD-ONGOING The Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead
- 70AD-ONGOING REIGNING was to begin AFTER the Lord's Return
- 70AD-ONGOING The Raising up of the Saints, the Dead in Christ
- 70AD-ONGOING The New Jerusalem on the New Earth under the New Heavens
- 70AD-ONGOING The Heavenly Jerusalem = The glorified Christian Community both Seen & Unseen
- 70AD-ONGOING Christendom = "The Stone that became a Great Mountain" (Daniel 2:31-45) = The Kingdom of the Heavens
- 70AD-ONGOING Return of Christ Brings the Kingdom of God WITH MIRACULOUS POWER, not without
- 70AD-ONGOING Inner-Man & Outer-Man: the 2 Parts of Resurrection
- 70AD-ONGOING Resurrection-transformation of the mortal-natural body at Judgment which follows death
- 70AD-ONGOING The Resurrection of the Just
- 70AD-ONGOING Many Christians Wrong About Heaven, Says N.T. Wright
- 70AD-ONGOING The Blessed Hope of Christ's Appearing continues
- 70AD-ONGOING "Baptists & Their Doctines: The River of Life"
- 70-1070AD Day of Judgment
- 30-1000AD: VIDEO: The First Thousand Years of Christianity
- 70-1070AD Thousand Years, Millennium, Day of the Lord
- 70-1070AD "The Day"
- 70-1070AD SATAN bound, cast & sealed into the Deep (Abyss, Bottomless Pit) for 1000 Years, Rev 20:1-3
- 70-1070AD "The Last Day": Christ Returns, His Servants Raised to Reign
- 70-1070AD Blessed & Holy Ones resurrected at start of Last Day, Rest of Dead resurrected at its end
- 70-1070AD "1000 Years", New Heavens, New Earth & New Jerusalem began at Old Jerusalem's end
- 70-1070AD Twenty-five Answers about "The Millennium" = "The 1,000 Years" = "The Day of the Lord"
- 70-1070AD Twenty-five Questions About The Millennium
- 70-1070AD Day of Judgment = 1 Day with Lord = 1000 Years = Day of the Lord = Day of God -- 2 Peter 3:2-14
- 70-1070AD Last Day-MILLENNIUM = Middle Age(s) = Sabbath Day of the Lord = the Last Day
- 70-1070AD J.S. Russell's Position on the Millennium, the Neglected Third Way of Preterism
- 70-1070AD Premillenial Preterism
- 70-1070AD 2 Peter 3: Understanding the Language of the Prophets
- 70-1070AD 2 Peter 3's "Day of the Lord" = "Thousand Years" of Revelation 20
- 70-1070AD The Day of the Lord in Zechariah 14
- 70-1070AD World History (external support)
- 70-1070AD "Woe to you Chorazin! Woe to you Bethsaida! Woe to you Capernaum!"
- 70-325AD ANTE-NICENE: the first 1/4 of the Last Day-Millennium
- 100AD The Extent of Christianity by 100AD
- 263-339AD Eusebius: The History of the Church from Christ to Constantine
- 272-337AD Roman Emperor Constantine: the first Christian world leader
- 300AD The Extent of Christianity by 300AD
- 313AD Edict of Milan (Edict of Toleration): Roman Empire signs peace deal with Christendom
- 313AD --> : The Peace of the Church
- Byzantium: the Lost Empire - 2 DVD set
- 325-590AD NICENE and POST-NICENE: 2nd 1/4th of the Last Day-Millennium
- 325-590AD Overview
- Anti-chiliasm's triumph over Chiliasm: the expectation, then realization of the 1000 Year Millennium during the Middle Age
- 325AD First Council of Nicaea
- 325AD The Nicene Creed in communion with the 70-1070AD Millennium
- 347-420AD Jerome: The Latin Vulgate, bringing the Bible to the language of the common people
- 354-430AD Augustine: "1000 Years" Millennium started in 1st Century: (either 1AD or 70AD)
- 373-493AD Saint Patrick
- 390AD "The Apostles' Creed" in communion with the 70-1070AD Millennium
- 390AD "The Apostles' Creed" ~Wikipedia
- 390AD "The Apostles' Creed"
- 390AD "I believe in the Communion of the Saints" ~Apostles' Creed
- 590-1073AD THE MISSIONARY PERIOD from Gregory I to Hildebrand (Gregory VII)
- 723AD Thor's Tree cut down and made into a chapel
- A Millennium of Peace in the Land of Israel - the meek inherited the Land
- 1070AD & ONGOING Resurrection of the Rest of the Dead
- 1070AD Release of Satan
- 1070AD-FIRE Gog & Magog
- 1070AD-REFORMATION Q+A: Satan's Release after the Millennium
- 1070-REFORMATION History (external support)
- 1070AD-REFORMATION Christianity's greatest trial since the 30-70AD Tribulation
- 1049-1294AD Gregory VII to Boniface VIII: Papal Theocracy in Conflict with the Secular Power
- 1037-1194AD The Great Seljuk Empire: brought to the Muslims "fighting spirit and fanatical aggression"
- 1070AD Seljuk Turks take Jerusalem & threaten all Christendom
- 1071AD Battle of Manzikert - Seljuk Turks begin destruction of Byzantine (1st Christian) Empire
- 1073AD Hildebrand becomes Pope Gregory VII
- The Crusades - a synopsis
- 1096-1099AD The First Crusade
- 1145-1149AD The Second Crusade
- 1162-1227AD Ghengis Khan
- 1240AD ---> The Golden Horde: surrounded eastern Christendom with idolatry & Islam
- 1206-1405AD Mongol Empire
- 1206-1405AD Daily Life in the Mongol Empire
- 1254-1324AD Marco Polo incites greed throughout Christian Europe for the riches of the Mongol Empire
- 1300-1600's Renaissance, "the Rebirth"
- 1330AD ---> The Black Death Plague
- 1337-1453AD The Hundred Years' War
- 1453AD The Fall of Byzantium (the 1st Christian Empire)
- 1225-1274AD Thomas Aquinas
- 1320-1384AD John Wycliffe
- 1369-1415AD John Hus
- 1452-1498AD Girolamo Savonarola
- 1472-1553AD Lucas Cranach
- 1483-1586AD Martin Luther: taught a 70-1070AD Millennium and a 1073-1739AD Satan's Release
- Martin Luther claimed he was living during the period of Satan's Release AFTER the 1000 year Millennium of the Middle Age
- 1484-1531AD Huldrych Zwingli
- 1494-1536AD William Tyndale
- 1499-1552AD Katharina Luther and other women of the Reformation
- 1509-1564AD John Calvin
- 1602-1675AD John Lightfoot taught 70-1070AD Millennium & Satan's Release from 1073AD through Lightfoot's own times
- Rebels or Reformers?
- REFORMATION Divine Deliverance
- FIRE-ONGOING Satan in Lake of Fire
- 1451-1506AD Christopher Columbus: Discovery of the New World
- 1776AD Declaration of Independence: Government of the People, by the People, for the People
- 1969AD Men walk on the Moon and return alive: the heavens await our arrival & exploration
- 2007-10-05 Clear-Eyed Optimists: The world is getting better, though no one likes to hear it
- REFORMATION-ONGOING The Collapse of Stone Temple Religions
- Unintended Error vs. Intentional Deception
- ERROR: 1-1000AD MILLENNIUM medieval Millennialism, medieval Postmillennialism
- ERROR: 30AD-FUTURE MILLENNIUM modern Amillennialism
- ERROR: 30-70AD MILLENNIUM Hyper-Preterism, Full-Preterism, Covenant Eschatology
- ERROR I: "The 1000 years of Rev 20:1-7 starts before Christ's Return"
- ERROR II: "The 1000 years of Rev 20:1-7 is not an actual 1000 years"
- ERROR III: "The 1000 years of Rev 20:1-7 ends at Christ's Return"
- 30-70AD Millennialism: Foundation of Preterist Universalism
- Consistent Full Preterist conclusions lend themselves to Universalism
- The Nature of Resurrection
- First Fruits offered were not the first fruit produced
- Former Pret?
- Mythbusting "All Things Fulfilled by 70AD"
- 3 Questions for every 30-70AD Millennialist
- When exactly was Satan bound, cast & sealed into Bottomless Pit for even 40 years between Romans 16:20 and 70AD?
- Was All The Prophecy in the Bible Fulfilled by A.D.70?
- All Bible Things Were Not Fulfilled by A.D.70
- Questioning "Full" Preterism, Covenant Eschatology
- ERROR: 70AD-FUTURE MILLENNIUM Post-Millennialism, Partial-Preterism
- ERROR II: "The 1000 years of Rev 20:1-7 is not an actual 1000 years"
- ERROR III: "The 1000 years of Rev 20:1-7 ends at Christ's Return"
- ERROR IV: "Christ failed to return before His generation passed away"
- Postmillennialism refutes itself
- Keith A. Mathison
- The Pretzel Logic of "Orthodox" partial Preterism
- Matthew 24: Is Double Fulfillment Possible?
- ERROR: Bi-Millennialism
- ERROR: FUTURE-FUTURE MILLENNIUM Premillennial Dispensationalism, Chiliasm
- ERROR: MYSTIC MILLENNIUM Idealism, Preterist-Idealism
- ERROR I: "The 1000 years of Rev 20:1-7 starts before Christ's Return"
- Revelation 20 & Universalism
- Rev 20:4 "come to life" = "come to life" of Rev 20:5
- "Having Eternal Life" is not equal to "Being Raised Up at the Last Day"
- The Postribulational (i.e. post AD 70) Beginning of the Millennium
- First Resurrection CANNOT Be Those Raised During Crucifixion 30AD
- When exactly was Satan bound, cast & sealed into Bottomless Pit for 1000 years between 30-70AD?
- Satan was NOT bound around 30AD in the Gospels
- 30-70AD: What the New Testament says about Satan not being bound prior to AD 70
- ERROR II: "The 1000 years of Rev 20:1-7 is not an actual 1000 years"
- ERROR III: "The 1000 years of Rev 20:1-7 ends at Christ's Return"
- ERROR IV: "Christ failed to return before His generation passed away"
- ERROR: Hyper-Creedalism, Creedolatry & the legends of "Historic Christianity"
- Universalism confuses Common Grace with Special Grace
- Bondage | Law
- Exodus | Tribulation
- Crossing the Red Sea | Water Baptism
- Baptism into Moses | Baptism into Christ
- Sinai | Zion (Pentecost)
- Giving of the Law of Moses | Giving of the Spirit of Christ
- Law | Spirit
- Jerusalem from below | Jerusalem from above
- Law of Moses | Law of Christ
- Old Covenant | New Covenant
- Formation of the Pentateuch | Formation of the New Testament
- Promised Land | Millennium
- Assyrians | Gog & Magog
- Subjugation of Saints | Supremacy of Saints
- To be written ...
- To be written ...
- To be written ...
- Timeline Summary
- BEFORE EXODUS Bondage in Egypt
- BEFORE TRIBULATION Bondage under Law
- 420BC-27AD Intertestamental Period (about 450 years)
- 4BC-28AD John the Baptist
- 4BC-30AD Jesus the Christ
- 4BC "The virgin will be with child"
- 4BC "Rachel weeping for her children"
- 4BC "Out of Egypt I called My Son"
- 2BC "He shall be called a Nazarene"
- 28AD "The people living in darkness have seen a great light"
- 28AD "He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases"
- 28AD "A man's enemies will be the members of his own household"
- 28AD "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me"
- The Gospel of Augustus Caesar
- Table of Contents
- 70-1070AD Day of Judgment
- 70-1070AD World History (external support)
- Byzantium: the Lost Empire - 2 DVD set