70-1070 Satan imprisoned, Saints reign
- 70-1070AD The Last Day-Millennium
- 30-1000AD: VIDEO: The First Thousand Years of Christianity
- 70-1070AD Thousand Years, Millennium, Day of the Lord
- 70-1070AD "The Day"
- 70-1070AD SATAN bound, cast & sealed into the Deep (Abyss, Bottomless Pit) for 1000 Years, Rev 20:1-3
- 70-1070AD "The Last Day": Christ Returns, His Servants Raised to Reign
- 70-1070AD Blessed & Holy Ones resurrected at start of Last Day, Rest of Dead resurrected at its end
- 70-1070AD "1000 Years", New Heavens, New Earth & New Jerusalem began at Old Jerusalem's end
- 70-1070AD Twenty-five Answers about "The Millennium" = "The 1,000 Years" = "The Day of the Lord"
- 70-1070AD Twenty-five Questions About The Millennium
- 70-1070AD Day of Judgment = 1 Day with Lord = 1000 Years = Day of the Lord = Day of God -- 2 Peter 3:2-14
- 70-1070AD Last Day-MILLENNIUM = Middle Age(s) = Sabbath Day of the Lord = the Last Day
- 70-1070AD J.S. Russell's Position on the Millennium, the Neglected Third Way of Preterism
- 70-1070AD Premillenial Preterism
- 70-1070AD 2 Peter 3: Understanding the Language of the Prophets
- 70-1070AD 2 Peter 3's "Day of the Lord" = "Thousand Years" of Revelation 20
- 70-1070AD The Day of the Lord in Zechariah 14
- 70-1070AD World History (external support)
- 70-1070AD "Woe to you Chorazin! Woe to you Bethsaida! Woe to you Capernaum!"
- 70-325AD ANTE-NICENE: the first 1/4 of the Last Day-Millennium
- 100AD The Extent of Christianity by 100AD
- 263-339AD Eusebius: The History of the Church from Christ to Constantine
- 272-337AD Roman Emperor Constantine: the first Christian world leader
- 300AD The Extent of Christianity by 300AD
- 313AD Edict of Milan (Edict of Toleration): Roman Empire signs peace deal with Christendom
- 313AD --> : The Peace of the Church
- Byzantium: the Lost Empire - 2 DVD set
- 325-590AD NICENE and POST-NICENE: 2nd 1/4th of the Last Day-Millennium
- 325-590AD Overview
- Anti-chiliasm's triumph over Chiliasm: the expectation, then realization of the 1000 Year Millennium during the Middle Age
- 325AD First Council of Nicaea
- 325AD The Nicene Creed in communion with the 70-1070AD Millennium
- 347-420AD Jerome: The Latin Vulgate, bringing the Bible to the language of the common people
- 354-430AD Augustine: "1000 Years" Millennium started in 1st Century: (either 1AD or 70AD)
- 373-493AD Saint Patrick
- 390AD "The Apostles' Creed" in communion with the 70-1070AD Millennium
- 390AD "The Apostles' Creed" ~Wikipedia
- 390AD "The Apostles' Creed"
- 390AD "I believe in the Communion of the Saints" ~Apostles' Creed
- 590-1073AD THE MISSIONARY PERIOD from Gregory I to Hildebrand (Gregory VII)
- 723AD Thor's Tree cut down and made into a chapel
- A Millennium of Peace in the Land of Israel - the meek inherited the Land