Adapted from Catalogue of World Disasters Demonstrating Christ’s Kingdom and Coming in Vengeance upon the Roman World by Kurt Simmons, The Sword & The Plow, Newsletter of the Bimillennial Preterist Association, Vol. XIV, No. 3 – March 2011,
Catalogue of World Disasters Demonstrating
Christ’s Kingdom and Coming in Vengeance upon the Roman World
Year Event in Roman Empire
AD 60 Revolt of Britons under Queen Boudicca; one hundred
sixty-thousand Romans and Britons slain:
“They hung up naked the noblest and most
distinguished women and then cut off their breasts
and sewed them to their mouths, in order to make the
victims appear to be eating them; afterwards they
impaled the women on sharp skewers lengthwise
through the entire body. All this they did to the
accompaniment of sacrifices, banquets and wanton
behavior, not only in all their other sacred places, but
particularly in the grove of Andate. This was their
name for Victory, and they regarded her with most
exceptional reverence.” Dio Cassius, LXII, vii
The Lycus valley and cities of Pergamum, Laodicea, and
Collosse destroyed by earthquakes. Tacitus, Annals, XIV,
AD 61 Pestilence in Asia and Ephesus. R.H. Charles,
Revelation, New International Critical Commentary, Vol.
I, 155
AD 62 Romans defeated by Volageses, king of the Parthians;
temporarily lose Armenia. Tacitus, Annals, XV, xvii.
Two hundred grain-ships destroyed by storm in the
harbor at Ostia; one hundred more destroyed by fire
while navigating the Tiber bringing grain to Rome.
Tacitus, Annals, XV, xviii
The gymnasium in Rome was struck by lightning and
burned to the ground, reducing a statute of Nero which it
contained to a shapeless lump of bronze. Tacitus,
Annals, XV, xxii
A Great famine in Armenia and Palestine. R.H. Charles,
Revelation, New International Critical Commentary, Vol.
I, 155
Plautius Silvanus quells uprisings among the Sarmatae.
Henderson, Bernard W., The Life and Principate of the
Emperor Nero, p. 225
AD 63 Nero’s wife, Poppaea, gives birth to a daughter, who died
in less than four months. This child represented the last
of Caesarean blood. With the death of Nero, the blood of
the Caesars would thus perish from earth. Tacitus,
Annals, XV, xxiii
On the 5th of February, 63, the city of Pompeii was
nearly engulfed by an earthquake. In 79 it would be
completely buried by Vesuvius. Tacitus, Annals, XV,
xxii; Josephus, Ant., XX, vii, 2
Resumption of war with Parthians. Tacitus, Annals, XV,
AD 64 The burning of Rome and almost the complete
destruction of the city. Rome was divided into 14
regions, of which four remained intact, three were leveled
to the ground; in the other seven nothing survived but a
few dilapidated houses. Tacitus, Annals, XV, xl
Revolt of the gladiators in the town of Praeneste; Tacitus,
Annals, XV, xlvi.
A huge naval disaster. Nero ordered the fleet to return to
Campania by a given date, with no allowance for hazards
of the sea. The helmsmen therefore, in spite of a raging
storm, put out from port and were destroyed. Tacitus,
Annals, XV, xlvi
Conspiracy to assassinate Nero and place Piso upon the
throne is discovered; Nero begins a reign of terror –
Lucan, Seneca, and many of Rome’s leading citizens
suffer death over several years in a general political
purge. Tacitus, Annals, XV, lxviii-lxxii
AD 65 A fire at Lyons, France, destroyed most of the colony; the
disaster was so pronounced, Seneca devoted a letter to the
fire, declaiming the fickleness of fortune and the
transitory nature of life. Epistle XCI
Pestilence decimates Rome; Suetonius gives the number
of those cut down by the plague at thirty-thousand. The
pestilence was followed by a hurricane in Campania:
“Upon this year, disgraced by so many deeds of
shame, Heaven also set its mark by tempest and by
disease. Campania was wasted by a whirlwind
[hurricane], which far and wide wrecked the farms,
the fruit trees, and the crops, and carried its fury to
the neighbourhood of the capital, where all classes of
men were being decimated by a deadly epidemic.
No outward sign of a distempered air was visible.
Yet the houses were filled with lifeless bodies, the
streets with funerals. Neither sex nor age gave
immunity from danger; slaves and the free-born
populace alike were summarily cut down, amid the
laments of their wives and children, who, themselves
infected while tending or mourning the victims, were
often thrown upon the same pyre.” Tacitus, Annals,
XVI, xiii.
AD 66 Vinician conspiracy to assassinate Nero discovered at
Breventium; Corbulo and the brothers Scribonius
compelled to commit suicide for doubtful participation in
the plot. Tactius, Annals, Dio Cassius, LXIII, xvii;
Seutonius, Nero, xxxvi
Revolt of Jews; destruction of fifth legion under Cestius.
Josephus, War. II, vii-xx
Fifty-thousand Jews slain in Alexandria; twenty-thousand
Jews slain in Caesarea. Syria turned into an armed camp,
and Jews and Greeks slaughter one another, giving vent
to long standing hatred between them. Josephus
describes Syria as being filled with heaps of dead bodies.
Josephus, War, II, xviii
AD 68 Beginning this year, the world saw five emperors in the
space of one year and twenty-two days – Nero, Galba,
Otho, Vitellius, Vespasian. Dio Cassius, LXVI, xvii
Grain shortage caused panic in Rome, aggravated by
Nero’s use of grain ships to import sand for his arena.
Suetonius, Nero, XLV
A sudden eruption of the sea inundated Lycia, a port city
in Turkey. Dio Cassius, LXIII, xvii; Renen, Le Antichrist,
IV, clxv
Julius Vindex, leads revolt against Nero; 20,000 slain at
Vesontio, Gaul. Vindex commits suicide. Dio Cassius,
LXIII, xxiv
Galba declared emperor by Roman senate; Nero decreed
a public enemy; commits suicide (June 9). Dio Cassius,
LXIII, 29; Suetonius, Nero, VI, lxvii-ix
Galba sentences seven thousand soldiers to death for their
part in a mutiny under Nymphidius, who attempted to
persuade the praetorians to proclaim him Caesar in place
of Galba; rest of mutinous troops decimated (every tenth
man beaten to death with rods). Dio Cassius, LXIII, iii;
Tacitus, Histories, I vi
AD 69 Otho declared emperor by praetorian guard; Galba
assassinated (Jan. 15); troops loot, and plunder city,
murdering and killing at will; Otho was described as
being carried to the capital over heaps of dead bodies
while the forum still reeked with blood. Tacitus,
Histories, I, xlvii
Vitellius declared emperor in Germany; forces under
Valens march from Germany to Italy, looting and
extorting money as they go. Massacre of four thousand
citizens at Divodurum. Tacitus, Histories, I, lxiii, lxvi
Vitellius’ forces under Caecina in route to Italy plunder
the Helvetii, destroying towns, and butchering thousands.
Tacitus, Histories, I, lxviii
Rhoxolani (Sarmatians) invade province of Moesia.
Tacitus, Histories, I, lxxix
Tiber floods; men are swept to death; tenements collapse,
killing occupants; famine ensues due to general
conditions and inability of grain ships to navigate Tiber.
Tacitus, Histories, I, lxxxvi
Otho’s fleet sailed up the north-west coast like a pirate
fleet, ravaging and murdering, burning, wasting, and
spoiling cities. Tacitus, Histories, II, xii
The Riviera town of Albintimulium (Ventimiglia), on the
frontier between France and Italy, was sacked; citizens
tortured. Tactitus, Histories, II, xiii
Forty-thousand die in battles between Vitellius and Otho
near Bedriacum; dead left unburied, were viewed almost
forty days later by Vitellius who took joy at the ghastly
sight. Dio Cassius, LXIV, x
Otho commits suicide (April 16); Vitellius declared
emperor by Roman senate. The victorious troops of
Vitellius plunder Italy:
“But the distress of Italy was now heavier and more
terrible than that inflicted by war. The troops of Vitellius,
scattering among the municipalities and colonies,
indulged in every kind of robbery, theft, violence and
debauchery. Their greed and venality knew no
distinction between right and wrong; they respected
nothing, whether sacred or profane. There were cases too
where, under the disguise of soldiers, men murdered their
personal enemies; and the soldiers in their turn, being
acquainted with the country, marked out the best-stocked
farms and the richest owners for booty or destruction, in
case any resistance was made. The generals were subject
to their troops and did not dare to forbid them.” Tacitus,
Histories, II, lvi; Loeb. ed.
Revolt to liberate Gallic provinces; Aeduan cantons
plundered. Tacitus, Histories, II, lxi
Leading citizens ruined; whole communities devastated,
providing for Vitellius’ banquets and sixty thousand
soldiers in route to Rome. Tacitus, Histories, II, lxii;
Colony of Taurini burned by mutinous soldiers. Tacitus,
Histories, II, lxvi.
Vespasian declared emperor in Syria (July) while making
war against Jews. Josephus, Wars, IV, x
Vitellius’ soldiers massacre unarmed civilians seven
miles outside of Rome. Tacitus, Histories, II, lxxxiii
Upon entering Rome, all military discipline is abandoned;
Vitellius’ troops spread over the city, lodging wherever
they liked and doing whatever mischief they pleased;
inactivity, debauchery and unhealthy conditions result in
disease and many deaths. Tacitus, Histories, II, lxxxviii,
AD 70 Vespasian’s forces invade Italy; Vicetia, birthplace of
Caecina taken; Verona occupied. Antonius gives troops
license to plunder civilians in the district around
Cremona. Tacitus, Histories, III, xv
City of Cremona surrenders; burned; fifty-thousand
perished. The soil was so infected by blood of slain, army
forced to move three miles away to avoid danger of
pestilence. Dio Cassius, LXIV, xv; Tacitus, Histories, III,
Venutius, the king consort, leads British to depose Queen
Cartimandua for adultery and attempting to install her
lover in the throne; the throne was left to Venutius; the
war to the Romans. Tacitus, Histories, III, xlv
Germans, Gauls, and Celts revolt; Dio Casius mentions
one battle where the river was dammed with the bodies of
the fallen. Dio Cassius LXV, iii; Tacitus, Histories, III,
xlvi; Josephus, Wars, Preface, ii; VII, iv
Dacians (Sythians) invade Mysia. Josephus, Wars,
The Destruction of Jerusalem
Preface, ii; VII, iv; Tacitus, Histories, III, xlvi
Vespasian suppresses revolt in Pontus. Tacitus, Histories,
III, xlvii-iii
Vespasian’s brother, Flavius Sabinus, besieged in temple
of Jupiter Capitolinus by soldiers of Vitellus; capital
burned and Sabinus murdered. A.D. 70 thus saw the
destruction of the two greatest temples in the world –
Jerusalem and Rome. Tacitus, Histories, III lxxi-ii
Civil war reaches city of Rome; fifty-thousand slain in
siege; city taken; Vitellius murdered (Dec. 22). Dio
Cassius, LXIV, xix; Tacitus, Histories, III, lxxxxv
Cologne and Mainze fall to German rebels. Tacitus,
Histories, lix
Fort at Vetera besieged; four thousand slaughtered by the
barbarians after surrendering under promises of security;
those who escaped back to the camp were burned alive by
Germans. Tacitus, Histories, IV, lx
Germany was lost; all Roman forts burned, saved Mainze
and Vendonissa. Tactius, Histories, IV, lxi
Spring AD 70 – Eight legions march into Germany and
Gaul from Italy, one more from Britain and two from
Spain, to retake for the empire. Tacitus, Histories, IV,
Citizens of Cologne, loyal to Rome, massacre German
soldiers quartered among them. The famous cohort at
Zulpich was invited to a banquet where wine flowed
freely; while buried in slumber in their cups, the doors of
the banquet house were barred fast and burned to the
ground upon them. Tacitus, Histories, IV, lxxix
Jerusalem destroyed; its temple burned to the ground;
city’s foundations dug up. Josephus, Wars, VI, ix